5 Components of a Successful SEO Strategy

Introduction: When you type out a search on google, a large list of results pop up. As a company, it should be your goal to ensure that your website is at a higher position on the first page. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. A successful SEO strategy helps you boost your rankings on the search page. Here’s a list of components that are crucial for the success of the SEO strategy: Keyword Usage: Keywords are a crucial component that decide the ranking of your site. It is suggested that you include keywords relevant to your business in your site title, meta tag, keeping user intent in mind. There are plenty of tools available online that will help you find the search trends like semrush, google trends. User focused site design: SEO rankings are higher for the page on which users stay for longer durations. Hence, you should aim to design your site in a way which makes it easy for users to navigate and access information. Hence, designing a website keepin...