5 Tips That Can Drastically Improve Your Website's User Experience
Whether you are a proud owner of a large scale business or just started a new business, the ultimate goal is to increase sales and what better way to do it than giving your customers a worthwhile experience? Though you might think that just posting detailed content about your products or services is enough, it's just a grain of sand in the vast desert that the digital landscape today is. We have curated a list of 5 tips that will help you drastically improve your websites user experience: Make use of the white space It is a design element overlooked by many as leaving a certain amount of space around any graphic design or text attracts the attention of users towards it. Avoid cluttering your site’s white space with advertisements and use it instead to enhance the website’s design. Consider increasing the size of the header text to make it readable. 2. Optimize your page speed Did you know along w...