Web Development Trends That Can Boost Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Introduction Technology has rapidly evolved over the last few years and so have the marketing strategies. To stay ahead in the realm of the digital marketing landscape it is crucial to know web development trends. Let’s take a look at some of the most essential web development trends as a website owner you should know. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs ) Progressive Web Apps(PWAs) are one of the best web development trends. It provides the best of both web and mobile app development. The use of PWAs is essential with the increase in smartphone and tablet usage to perform various online tasks. PWAs help improve the speed of the website and get it to load in no time. This helps with user experience by offering a fast, reliable and responsive experience and even works offline. AI Integration and Chatbots We are all aware of the revolution of AI over the years and the scope of advancement it holds in the upcoming years. AI has become an important aspect of business interaction...