The power of brand storytelling through graphic design

You might have come across folk tales and other forms of oral histories prevalent for hundreds of years. Do you ever wonder how they withstood the test of time? Because of storytelling. Brand storytelling involves creating a story surrounding a particular brand that will resonate with the audience whilst also involving facts about it. Visuals can be a powerful form of narrating a story. Here’s how: Increases your site’s engagement: Posts or stories with creative graphic design make your audience feel drawn towards your content. One way you can do this is by conveying complex ideas with the help of visual metaphors. For example- Tropicana made a poster for their orange juice by making an orange shaped bread so as to signify that it is as nutritious as a full fledged breakfast. Helps your brand stand out: You can make custom illustrations with unique elements that the customers will remember a beat too long. This will establish an emotional connection with the audience as th...